Understanding The Basic Of CPR

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CPR, also known as cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a technique that has been taught to many and used to save numerous lives too. Mostly applicable in near drowning experiences and heart failures, CPR is a vital life skill for one to acquire. The technique is basically a combination of a series of mouth to mouth resuscitation and chest compressions. These are aimed at delivery of oxygen to an individual in case of heart failure. Having the knowledge to resuscitate an individual could mean the difference between life and death. Once a need is determined, it makes sense for one to take an initiative that will lead to the saving of life than doing nothing. A number of people may be tempted to hold back their much needed assistance due to lack of confidence in their skills.

To help eradicate the chances of an individual or people from withholding assistance when there is need, there are a few pointers regarding the level of knowledge that needs explaining herein. If the nearest person that can administer CPR is not trained in the particular skill, it is advisable that the individual only engages in CPR that involves hands only. The individual will not be required to engage in breathing rescue. The hands only CPR involves 100 chest compressions per minute administered to the patient until professional medical help gets to the scene.

For the trained individuals, the process should commence with the chest compressions that will be followed by rescue breaths. The chest compressions should be in series of 30 compressions before one gets to check the airways or commencing on the rescue breathing. This class of citizens should have more confidence in their skills and get to offer help effectively.

There are also the classes of people who have had the skills for a

CPR card renewal

while, and due to lack of regular practice, they have sort of forgotten the procedure or just gone rusty. This has great impact on their confidence and the ability to perform CPR on demand. To stay on the safe side, an individual of this kind should also perform the hands only procedure that involves the 100 chest compressions per minute.

How to perform CPR.

The first step of performing CPR is by determining the consciousness of the individual. The person conducting the procedure needs to ensure that the patient is responsive. This will help determine if the person is getting enough air or not. Breathing is vital to recovery in such a condition as it supplies the much needed oxygen. If the person is experiencing difficulties in breathing, or not breathing at all, it is important that the professional medical staff is called immediately. Through the phone, the dispatcher can also help assist with the emergency by offering directions.

If the breathing of the person is compromised, one should initiate the chest compressions. This is done by pushing the center of the person’s chest up to two inches, and is done in a series of 30 compressions. This should average to 100 compressions per minute.

The last part involves tilting of the person’s head back then lifting the chin. You then get to pinch the nose, and cover the mouth of the person with your own then blowing. The blow should be effective when the chest of the person rises. One should administer two breaths that last a second each. The whole process is repeated all over again until the emergency medical team arrives.

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