Dealing With Breathing Emergencies

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Breathing emergencies can be described as threats to the respiratory system of an individual. This is normally as a result of the blockage of the track, hence the inability of air to move freely to and from the lugs. The breathing difficulties can be exhibited through a number of signs. One could experience shortness of breath, inability to take a deep breath, gasping for air or just the general feeling of not getting enough air to the lungs. The reaction speed to a breathing emergency will make a difference on whether the person lives or dies. Each and every second counts. This article seeks to equip one with the knowledge that when backed with swiftness, can save lives.

What causes Breathing emergencies?

Breathing emergencies are conditions that should always be treated as medical emergencies. This is due to the fact that any of the possible breathing emergencies are all life threatening. There are a number of causes to breathing emergencies. Common among them include, allergic reactions, Asthma, high altitude, injuries to the chest and lungs, blood clot in the lung, heart disease or fluid in the lung.

What are the major symptoms of a breathing emergency?

Breathing emergency normally comes with very evident symptoms. A sufferer will display one or more symptoms that should indicate or alert others of the situation that he is in. During breathing, one may notice an irregular movement of the chest that would indicate a difficulty in breathing. This could also be coupled by chest pains. The lips of the individual could turn bluish, including the fingers and the fingernails. Wheezing sound is a common symptom in most breathing emergencies.

The best first aid treatment for breathing emergencies.

The first thing that one needs to do in an event of a breathing emergency is to seek assistance. This is done through dialing of the emergency numbers and getting the ambulance for the emergency medical services. The individual then embarks on performing first aid to the sufferer to ensure that he or she does not succumb to the breathing difficulty. The first aid also helps the person sustain the individual’s life until the ambulance arrives. The first step in a breathing emergency first aid is to check the person’s airway and pulse. If these are compromised, it is advisable to loosen the tight clothing of the person, and begin CPR. If the trigger of the emergency is one that is medically related like asthma, help the person take his or her medication so as to help improve the situation. From here, one should continue monitoring the individual until professional help arrives. The person administering the first aid should not assume that the absence of the initial symptoms like the whistling sound means that the problem has been dealt with. Professional check is necessary to determine the actual condition of the person.

What to avoid during first aid.

In such conditions, many people tend to panic and then instinctively make some choices that have only proven to worsen the conditions. It is therefore ideal for one to take note of the actions to avoid during a breathing emergency.

  • Do not move the individual in case of a chest injury, unless it is extremely necessary.
  • Do not place a pillow under the individual. This may seem as a means of ensuring comfort, but in many cases it compromises the airway.
  • Do not administer food or drinks to the individual.
  • Do not wait to monitor the condition before calling for medical assistance. Get help IMMEDIATELY.

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