First Aid Renewal: A Better Option for Businesses Financially
According to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act that is currently being followed all over Canada, all business establishments should have employees who are well-trained in first aid and CPR and have an active certification or card. Considering that

Responding Appropriately in Emergencies
What you do during an emergency is crucial in the outcome of the victim’s health. Even if you have not received any first aid certification, you can help in a myriad of ways.

What Is The Correct Way Of Activating 911 When Giving First Aid?
The field of emergency services is as dynamic as the nature of emergencies that characterize the industry. This has led to increased publicity as far as the use of such services is concerned, especially because this is the one-0stop location
How to Administer First Aid on Testicular Pain
When there is pain in one or both testicles in the male groin area, it is called testicular or scrotal pain. The testicles are enclosed in sacs called the scrotum. The groin area, in general, is very rich in nerve endings, thus it is highly sensitive, and even minor trauma may lead to discomfort and pain.
Spinal injuries
looked after with the utmost care. I have looked after several patients with spinal injuries and it is important to know how to deal with them in the safest way. St Mark James First Aid Classes

Migraines in Adults
Migraine headaches are often described as throbbing, pounding or pulsating pain, usually at one side of the head, but may also occur on both sides. Pain may also affect the whole head or transfer from one side to another.

The major first aid and CPR providers of Canada offer CPR renewal / re-certification courses to candidates that need to maintain certification in CPR. These courses are significantly cheaper and shorter than original, full courses. In order to take the course, candidates must meet the prerequisites and have the previous certification. Not all providers offer stand-alone CPR renewal / re-cert courses but this page will list the available courses and providers.
Prerequisites for CPR Renewals / Re-Certifications:
In order to take a CPR renewal / re-cert course with a credible provider candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Candidates must have completed a CPR course or renewal course within the past 3 years.
- Candidates must have completed a CPR course with a credible provider that offers “hands-on” training such as St Mark James, Vancouver First Aid, Heart and Stroke Foundation, or St. Johns Ambulance. Participants in Ontario must have completed a previous course with a St Mark James provider.
- Candidates must have completed the previous course within Canada. International certificates will not be accepted for re-certification.
- Participants in Ontario may not attend a re-certification course if the previous award is a re-certification certificate
Candidates must show previous certification awards to the instructor prior to or during the renewal course.
CPR Renewal / Re-Certification Providers:
Not all of the major first aid and CPR providers offer CPR renewal / re-certification courses. The following 4 major providers offer this option:
- St Mark James Training
- Vancouver First Aid
- Canadian Ski Patrol
- The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Other smaller providers also offer CPR re-certification but it is important for candidates to be aware that not all providers offer certificates that meet government and legislative standards. Be exceptionally wary of online CPR renewal courses as the course has to include a “hands-on” component.
Registration for CPR Renewals / Re-Certifications
To register with one of our premier St Mark James CPR renewal providers visit our training partner location page by clicking here.
CPR Renewal / Re-Certification Courses:
All CPR re-certification courses include training and certification in automated external defibrillators (AED). The following CPR courses are available for renewal:
- CPR level “C” and AED
- Health care provider CPR – CPR “HCP” and AED
CPR level “A” is not a renewal / re-cert CPR course as it is already a brief and intensive course.
Re-Cert Course Cost:
CPR re-cert courses vary in price depending on CPR level, provider, and training partner. Course renewal fee ranges from 30 dollars to 90 dollars.
CPR Renewals Re-Cert Course Length:
CPR re-certification courses vary in length from 4 hours to 5 hours depending on the course, provider, and ultimately the instructor of the course.
Candidates that successfully complete the course will receive a certificate that is valid for 3 years. Candidates may be required to renew certification at an earlier date based on employer or school policy.