First aid renewal courses

First Aid Renewal: A Better Option for Businesses Financially

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According to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act that is currently being followed all over Canada, all business establishments should have employees who are well-trained in first aid and CPR and have an active certification or card. Considering that these certificates expire every three years or so, employers every now and then face the dilemma of whether they should select new employees to undergo training or to choose the pre-selected ones and pay for first aid renewal. However, this should not be an issue since choosing to pay for first aid renewal can help business owners save more money hence making it the better option. Here are some of the ways that choosing first aid re-certification can help employers cut costs.

Lost productivity will be lessened

More often than not, re-certification or renewal courses require less training time than courses for first time students. For example, an average standard first aid training for first time students normally lasts for 14 to 16 hours. A standard first aid recertification course on the other hand, only lasts for about eight hours. This means that employees will not need to spend more time than they should in these courses which would lessen downtimes due to lost productivity which can cost businesses millions of dollars. According to  an article that was published in Inc. Magazine, simple activities which divert the attention of employees from actual work have caused businesses in the United States to lose more than $500 million. This why business owners should exhaust all possible ways to minimize these activities.

First aid renewal courses
First aid renewal courses

First aid renewal leads to well-trained employees

It has been established through several studies that experience plays a major role in the development of one’s skills. This means that a person who have already undergone prior first aid training and has applied it at least once will be more skillful in the field than those who will be undergoing first aid training for the first time. By having employees that are highly-efficient in first aid and CPR, businesses will be able to manage workplace-related injuries and illnesses in a more efficient and practical way which can lessen operations cost caused by these untoward incidents. This is why it is better to pay for a re-certification or a first renewal. To save more money, business owners can choose first aid renewal training centers that offer discounts to those who will be opting for re-certification in groups.

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