Coping With a Broken Wrist

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Human bones are susceptible to fracture when excess pressure is exerted on them. People who’re physically active are more prone to wrist and other types of fractures. Besides, elderly people have frail bones that can break even under the slightest pressure. When you have a broken wrist, coping with the situation can be quite difficult mostly because of the excruciating pain that comes as part of the package.

Follow Doctor’s Instructions

Many patients fail to recuperate because they tend to ignore doctor’s instructions and pretend to know what is best. For instance, when a doctor tells you to limit the use of the affected arm, be sure to do so. Engaging the broken wrist in strenuous physical activity will inhibit the healing process. In addition to this, make sure that you ask all relevant questions pertaining to your injury before leaving the hospital. Take pain relief medication as directed. Altering dosages can cause severe effects.

Take it Slow

Fractures normally need to be placed inside a cast so that the bone can reconnect. This is a process that may take few days to several weeks depending on the level of damage caused. An excellent indicator of the pace to be taken is the pain experienced when you attempt to perform a certain task. The internet is a resourceful tool that you can use to check for helpful info.

Ask for Help

A broken wrist will without a doubt interfere with your ability to function normally. You’ll require more help in order to achieve simple tasks such as tying a shoe lace, pouring coffee into a cup, driving, brushing hair and even sleeping. Don’t be afraid to let your family members and friends know of your predicament. Create a timetable so that the burden of helping you out does not entirely lie on one person.

Practice Patience

Active people find it hard to sit around doing nothing. With a wrist fracture, you’ll have no other option than to practice patience so that the injury can heal completely within the stipulated time period. A broken wrist may take longer to become fully functional particularly if the damage was too severe. In such cases, therapy is usually prescribed. Bear in mind that therapy will also take time for desired results to become visible.

Important Tips:

  • When experiencing severe pain, keep the affected arm raised higher than the heart’s level. By doing this, you’ll be reducing the amount of blood flowing to the wrist thereby relieving swelling and pain.
  • Reduce swelling by keeping the arm warm. However, be careful not to expose the broken wrist to excess heat as this will cause the exact opposite expectation.
  • Support the wrist while sleeping. An effective way of achieving this is by lying on the good side while supporting the injured side with a pillow under it.
  • Do not move the broken wrist a lot during the first few weeks. This time period is the most crucial and will determine whether or not proper bone alignment will be re-established.

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