Vital Information on Cataracts Management

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When the eye’s lenses get clouded, the resulting situation is usually referred to as cataracts. People suffering from the condition are unable to see clearly. It’s as if they’re seeing through a foggy window. In most cases, cataracts develop gradually and noticeably until they finally hinder vision. Cataracts management is important in restoring vision so that you can be able to read, drive and perform other tasks normally.

What Are the Symptoms of Cataracts?

There are several signs of cataracts but the main ones include:

  • Double vision
  • Fading of colors
  • Light sensitivity
  • Blurred vision
  • Diminished night vision

What Are the Causes of Cataracts?

Effective cataracts management demands proper understanding of the causes. The condition can be caused by one, or more, of the following reasons:

  • Aging
  • Injury
  • Genetic disorders
  • Eye conditions
  • Steroids
  • Medical conditions

What Are the Categories of Cataracts?

In order to succeed in cataracts management, it’s imperative to learn about the categories of the illness. They are:

  1. Nuclear Cataracts- This type of cataracts normally affects the lens’ centre. In the initial stages, the condition causes short-sightedness. Some people usually experience improved vision in reading. However, this only occurs momentarily and after a while, vision becomes clouded.
  2. Cortical Cataracts- This type affects the lens’ edges. When it starts, it only affects the edges but with time, the cataracts spread to other parts of the lens. As a result, passage of light to the lens is inhibited.
  3. Posterior Subcapsular- A person who is affected by Posterior Subcapsular will see glares from sources of light, especially at night. The cataracts restrict light from reaching the retina gradually until normal vision is diminished.
  4. Congenital Cataracts- This is a type of cataract that a person is born with. The condition develops from childhood and is as a result of infection while the mother was still pregnant. Other factors that may also cause congenital cataracts include: Rubella, galactosemia and Lowe’s syndrome.

What Are the Ways of Preventing Cataracts?

Research on prevention of cataracts is still on-going. However, doctors recommend the following tips as part of cataracts management:

  • Go to the optician for frequent eye tests. Doctors are able to detect eye illnesses in time and by doing so, provide proper treatment before the situation spirals out of control.
  • Stop smoking. Seek professional advice on the best methods to use in order to give up the habit.
  • Limit alcohol intake. People who drink excessively are usually at a higher risk of contracting cataracts.
  • During sunny days, wear sunglasses to protect the eyes from the harmful effects of the UV rays.
  • Reduce weight. Overweight and obese people should adopt a work-out plan that will help them to maintain the required body mass index.
  • Eat healthy. Adopt a diet that consists of raw veggies and fruits. Increase the intake of vitamins in order to keep your eyes healthy.
  • Enhance lighting by using lamps that are brighter. This cataracts management tip will prevent straining of the eyes thus enhancing your eyes health.

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