How To Deal With The Different Types Of Depression

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Dealing With Depression
Dealing With Depression

We have all had to deal with Monday blues at one point or the other, but what happens when these Monday blues seem to occur daily and with increased frequency? This is sometimes what leads to different types of depressions. Statistics show that a good number of citizens live their lives under the dark blanket of depression, so severe that it affects their day to day lives and they cannot function normally. In light of this, this article highlights some of the forms of depression that affect people of all ages and some of the first aid steps to take.

Major depressive disorder

This is the first of types of depression, and which is characterized by an inability to function normally in individuals who suffer from this condition. Ideally, when someone exhibits signs of depression but can still engage in their day to day activities, then this is not categorized as major depressive disorder. The good news, however, is that there is treatment available for this condition. Having a clear understanding of the traits that constitute an individual’s depression is key to ensuring that the best course of treatment is availed. It is important, however, to clarify that defining depression is not as easy as it may seem, but proper methods of doing this help lead to proper diagnosis and treatment. Listed below are additional and prevalent types of depression.

Persistent depressive disorder

This is also referred to as dysthymia, and while it tends to be mild, it lasts for a longer period of time. Its symptoms are mild and it continues for about a couple of years. Some of the common symptoms include lack of enthusiasm in daily activities, loss of self esteem, irregular sleep patterns as well as poor appetite.

Post partum depression

This is a unique disorder among the different types of depression. the reason is that it affects only new mothers, hence the name ‘post partum’ meaning after child birth. It is important to make a distinction between this form of depression and baby blues which are rather common in new moms. With the former, the new mother experiences intense emotions of sadness, anxiety, worry and guilt. This is further heightened by the challenges of raising a new born baby such as sleepless nights, tenderness when breastfeeding as well as fatigue. This form of depression often sets in the first couple of months following delivery, but may sometime take up to as long as one year.

Women with post partum depression, abbreviated PPD, will often harbor harmful obsessions which prevent them from taking proper care of their child. Research has shown that with a supportive network of friends, it is possible that the mother can be able to pull through this form of depression.

Seasonal Affective disorder

This is the last entity listed in the types of depression. just as the name suggests, this disorder is seasonal, meaning that it often occurs in sync with the seasons. It is characterized by low energy levels, lack of concentration as well as anxiety.

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