CPR Card Renewal Online Procedures

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Getting certified to offer CPR first aid is essential not only for professionals working in health care facilities but even for the general public. The certification makes one a great asset in case of medical emergency. However, it is good to note that the certification expires thus you need to be aware of  CPR card renewal procedures. The good thing is that with the rapid development of technology, it is now possible and more convenient to renew your card online in Canada.

CPR card renewal
Conducting CPR


Guidelines for CPR card renewal

  • If you work in health care facilities, it is necessary to ensure that your job permits online renewal of the CPR card before you get committed to the process. Online renewal does not require any kind of physical demonstration so in case your employer will require you to do another test of your physical abilities, you should instead take offline training.
  • In order to get the best site for your card renewal, it is important that you take time to search for the best. Go through all the details to ensure that you will learn all that you need and the renewal courses offered by the sites are approved by the relevant bodies in Canada.
  • When you get the best site, you need to sign up so that you get an account with the website of your choice. Then you should click the renew your card option on the site so that you can move on with the procedure.
  • Take your time as you refresh your knowledge and skills of the content required to pass the renewal training. The best options you can use to learn for your CPR card renewal are videos and tutorials because they will also give your practical knowledge.

Taking the card renewal exam

Passing the test is an important process because it will determine whether your card gets renewed or not. You are supposed to set approximately one hour to take the test. Give the test ample time and answer all the questions with a lot of care to avoid making mistakes that may lead to failure.

After you pass the test, you are required to print your certification and the temporary wallet card and take it to your employer for confirmation. Although this may depend on the site where you take your CPR card renewal course, it usually takes seven to ten days to get your card renewed.

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