How To Cure Mouth Ulcers

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Overview Of Ulcers

  • Mouth ulcers can be fairly painful and depending on their exact position in the oral cavity, it often hinders your ability to speak and eat food.
  • Regularly, these ulcers make an appearance when people are suffering from extreme anxiety and the uneasiness they cause only adds to your unhappiness.
  • Occasionally, such an ulcer points to the shortage of certain important nutrients and as a result, taking multivitamin enhancements can be worthwhile; though, it can take some time for the vitamins to take effect.
  • In such circumstances, it is better to try some home remedies for quicker relief.

Remedies to Decrease Pain

  • If the mouth ulcer is producing a lot of discomfort, lightly rub an ice cube over the region or wash your mouth with cold water.
  • The ulcer won’t disappear by using ice or cold water, but it can help lessen the pain.
  • Also, you could gnaw on a clove bud and direct the liquid to the region where the ulcer is positioned.
  • The slight numbing effect of the clove will decrease the pain you feel.
  • To stop the ulcerated region from getting infested, clean your mouth with some salt water.
    Ulcers make an appearance when people are suffering from extreme anxiety and the uneasiness they cause only adds to your unhappiness. Mouth ulcers can be fairly painful and depending on their exact position in the oral cavity, it often hinders your ability to speak and eat food.
    Ulcers make an appearance when people are suffering from extreme anxiety and the uneasiness they cause only adds to your unhappiness. Mouth ulcers can be fairly painful and depending on their exact position in the oral cavity, it often hinders your ability to speak and eat food.


  • The leaves of the tulsi plant have remarkable healing properties and one of the vital actions of tulsi is that it acts as an adaptogen – an ingredient that helps the body to adjust to stress.
  • Gnaw a few leaves of the tulsi plant with a bit of water about three times per day.
  • The ulcers will go away quicker and also have a protective guard if the ulcers do come back.


  • Honey is a pure and natural ingredient – that is, it helps to preserve moisture and avoid lack of fluids.
  • It also helps decrease scarring and speeds up the development of new tissue growth. This ensures quicker healing.
  • You can either take a little bit of honey and place it on the ulcer or blend in some turmeric to create a paste that can be smeared on the affected region.


  • Desiccated coconut, coconut water and coconut oil are the three produces of the coconut tree that are extremely beneficial in curing mouth ulcers.
  • Sipping coconut water cools the body down and has calming properties.
  • Smearing a little coconut oil onto the mouth ulcer or eating some coconut helps to decrease pain and swelling and this helps the ulcers heal quicker.

 Related Video On Ulcers

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