Dealing With Low Blood Pressure

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A patient Fainting Due To Low Blood Pressure
A patient Fainting Due To Low Blood Pressure

A lot of attention is paid to high blood pressure during first aid training and emergencies, but did you know that low blood pressure, also referred to as hypotension, has equally devastating results? This article will focus on some of the facts that are associated with hypotension as well as symptoms and ways in which the condition can be managed during emergencies. To get to know whether or not you suffer from hypotension, the first step that you must take is to ensure that you get regular screening to know what your blood pressure readings are like. While at it, you will also need to know what the normal range of blood pressure is. Ideally, the normal range for individuals is 120/80 (where 120 represent the systolic reading while the 80 represents the diastolic pressure). Low blood pressure is characterized by systolic readings of 90 and below, and diastolic readings of 60 and below (90/60).

Below is a list of some of the symptoms which are associated with hypotension.

–          Feeling light headed

–          This may sometimes be accompanied by fainting

–          Unusual thirst that is rather consistent even when the patient takes water, all factors constant. What this means is that the patient will feel thirsty even when they have not taken diuretics, are not experiencing diarrhea, have not engaged in intense exercises and are not having a fever. What this means in essence, is that the body is losing more water than you are taking.

–          Los of concentration

–          Blurry vision

–          Nausea which sometimes progresses to vomiting

–          Rapid breathing, usually labored and very shallow

–          Depression sets in individuals who have no idea why they are feeling the way they are.

What are some of the causes of low blood pressure?

–          Bed rest that is extended over a long period of time.

–          Pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester.

–          A sharp decrease in the blood volume, sometimes the result of a significant loss of blood. This may occur due to severe trauma, severe internal bleeding as well as extreme dehydration. When this happens, the blood volume reduces drastically, causing blood pressure values to plummet significantly.

–          There are certain medications that predispose individuals to hypotension. Some of these medications include diuretics, anti-hypertensives, antidepressants as well as some drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction. It is also important for individuals to consider what medication one is taking to avoid drug-drug interaction that causes the blood pressure to decrease.

–          Cardiac diseases such as bradycardia, heart failure as well as heart attack.

Treatment of low blood pressure revolves around using proper medication, increasing the amount of salt intake, taking more fluids as well as limiting alcohol intake. It is interesting to note that lifestyle changes play a critical role in the improvement of such conditions. Regular exercise also plays a fundamental role in the management of low blood pressure. Ultimately, eating and living right will help prevent such conditions.

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