How To Treat Anaphylactic Shock

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How to Tell If Someone is in Anaphylactic Shock

Anaphylactic Shock is a dangerous allergic reaction where the blood leaves the brain and deprives it of oxygen. A person will often have trouble breathing. When a person goes into anaphylactic shock they are having a severe allergic reaction to something. A typical reaction to something a person is allergic to includes itching , red eyes, and wheezing. Anaphylactic shock will cause these things also but on a more severe level.

Ways to Tell

Anaphylactic Shock is a dangerous allergic reaction where the blood leaves the brain and deprives it of oxygen.
Anaphylactic Shock is a dangerous allergic reaction where the blood leaves the brain and deprives it of oxygen.

If a person is in anaphylactic shock a person needs to identify the symptoms and the allergen that cause it.


To identify this a person has to be aware of the symptoms of an allergic reaction. These symptoms include:

  • Itching
  • Hives
  • Wheezing

When more than one system of the body has a reaction anaphylactic shock begins. A person may be itching, wheezing, and may have a drop in blood pressure. When this shock begins a person will :

  • Become confused
  • Become weak
  • Their skin will become pale in color
  • They may become unconscious
  • There often is a shortness of breath

If a person does not have trouble breathing there are some other signs of anaphylactic shock to be aware of. They include:

  • Unable to speak or speak only two words
  • Sitting up with hands on the knees
  • Gasping to breathe
  • Using the lips to try to breath
  • Using the muscles in the neck to try to breathe


Finding the Cause

It is easy to identify if a person is in anaphylactic shock if their allergens are known. For example a person that is allergic to bee strings can tell if they are stung by a bee. Sometimes a person may not be aware of their allergens. People that have had an allergic reaction need to be aware of the symptoms even if there are no known allergens. If a person is not sure what is making them sick they may not known if they have been exposed to it.
A situation a person is in can give them an idea of their allergens. Food allergies often happen when a person is eating. They may not even think they are allergic until the reaction occurs.


Anaphylactic Shock Treatment

Once a person has found what they are allergic to the treatment will vary based on the severity of the reaction. Simple allergic reaction can be treated with medicines such as Benadryl. A person can also learn how to avoid their allergens. If a person has a severe reaction and begins to go into anaphylactic shock they may need something strong to help them such as epinephrine.


Related Video On Anaphylactic Shock

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